3 Tips For Getting A More Accurate Reading From Your Pocket Penetrometer
Using a pocket penetrometer is a great way to gather information about soil when you're out in the field. However, you might be concerned that you aren't getting the most accurate results possible when using a pocket penetrometer. Luckily, following these simple tips can help you get the most accurate information as you can.
1. Keep Your Pocket Penetrometer in Good Condition
If your pocket penetrometer is not kept in good condition, then you won't be able to rely on it to provide you with accurate readings. Plus, your penetrometer might not last as long if you don't take good care of it, which could result in additional costs for your business. Keeping your pocket penetrometer in a protective case can help you keep it safe when you've got it in your pocket or your bag. Additionally, you'll want to wipe it clean after use, and you'll want to perform any maintenance that might be recommended by the manufacturer. This can help you keep your device in the best possible condition so that you can get better readings and so that you can make it last for as long as possible.
2. Check in Multiple Locations
In some cases, you may have to take your soil reading in one spot. When possible, however, consider checking the soil in multiple locations. Then, you can take the average of the readings that you take to give you an overall reading. If the readings that you find from one place to another are very different, you may want to perform another test to make sure that you are getting an accurate reading.
3. Perform Additional Testing
A pocket penetrometer is supposed to be a helpful tool that can help you get information when you're out in the field and when you don't have access to other equipment. However, overall, it should not be considered a replacement for performing other tests. Although you can use the readings from your pocket penetrometer as preliminary information, you shouldn't skip the lab testing or other forms of testing. Instead, along with using your pocket penetrometer, consider collecting soil samples at the same time so that you can perform these additional tests.
As you can see, there are a few different ways that you can get a more accurate reading from your pocket penetrometer. If you follow these tips, you can help ensure that you are getting accurate information when you are using this device. For more information, contact a company like Certified Material Testing Products.